Here, our effort to inform our viewers about some women related organizations in Bangladesh and make them learn about the activities of these organizations so that they can communicate with the necessary organization for the fulfillment of their own need and purpose.
Women’s Foundation:
BWF evolved as an independent body of the Women’s Fund in Bangladesh. Created in 2003 to invest in women’s leadership and empowerment and bringing positive change to women’s livelihoods, BWF seeks to assist some of the 8189 small local women’s organizations that are registered with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. Whilst these organizations are officially registered and are led by women who are undoubtedly passionate about women’s empowerment, they are rendered ineffective and often inactive because of the structural, systemic and administrative issues they face such as lack of knowledge about proposal writing, lack of fund-raising capacity and an inability to establish networks due to isolated geographic locations. BWF therefore aids selected organizations with financial, technical and advocacy support filling these gaps to make these organizations effective and expanding their network horizons to get them active.
With initial financial support from the Global Fund for Women BWF started its fundraising, grants making and project support and has since gone on to receive funding from DANIDA and USAID amongst others.
Since its inception BWF has provided technical support in - for example - leadership and capacity building to over 500 local women’s organisations and a further 34 grants to other organizations also.
To increase the self-reliance of women’s groups towards supporting women’s initiatives focused on human rights, gender equality and improved conditions of women and children in Bangladesh.
To achieve this vision the mission is to create an enabling environment for connecting rural women into a national women’s movement. The organization aims to invest in women’s leadership, personal and political empowerment to enable women to initiate their own solutions to poverty, political deprivation, human rights abuses, extreme vulnerability and insecurity through providing the human skill development and financial resources to equip women with the best possible means to lead their solutions.
Department of Women Affairs (মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তর)
জাতীয় উন্নয়নের মূল স্রোতধারায় নারীদের সর্ম্পৃক্তকরণ ও নারীর সার্বিক ক্ষমতায়ন নিশ্চিত করা সুষম উন্নয়নের একটি অপরিহার্য পূর্বশর্ত। এ উপলব্ধি থেকে জাতির জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বাংলাদেশের সংবিধানে নারী ও পুরুষের সমঅধিকার নিশ্চিত করন ও স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধে নির্যাতিত , ক্ষতিগস্থ নারী সমাজের পূনর্বাসনের জন্য ১৯৭২ সনের ১৮ ই ফেব্রুয়ারী বাংলাদেশ পূনর্বাসন বোর্ড গঠণ করেন। পরবর্তীতে ১৯৭৪ সনে জাতীয় সংসদে আইন পাশের মাধ্যমে নারী পূনর্বাসন বোর্ডকে বাংলাদেশ নারী পূনর্বাসন ও কল্যাণ ফাউন্ডেশনে রুপান্তরীত করা হয়। যা বিভিন্ন ধাপ অতিক্রম করে মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তর । মহিলা ও শিশু বিষয়ক মন্ত্রনালয়ের অধীনে মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তর নারী উন্নয়নে বিভিন্ন উন্নয়নমূলক কর্মকান্ড বাস্তবায়ন করছে।
নারী ইস্যুভিত্তিক আইন/অধ্যাদেশ সমূহঃ
অধিদপ্তরের কর্মকান্ড:
মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তরের নারী নির্যাতন প্রতিরোধ সেল ও মহিলা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রের কার্যক্রমঃ
Bangladesh National Woman Lawyers' Association (BNWLA): Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association is a lawyer's association based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was established in 1979. Its main goal is "to create equal opportunities and equal rights for every woman and child in the country."BNWLA promotes the rights and status of women lawyers alongside fighting for access to justice for all women & children particularly for the most disadvantaged women and children in Bangladesh.
BNWLA, as a Human Rights organization with a special focus on establishment of women & children Rights, is always appeared as a pressure group to the government & international bodies & tried to keep the realities for women & children in the public eye. It has been found that without proper policy formulation and action, it is not possible to ensure any positive changes in overall developments of women and children. Following that, BNWLA is trying to bring changes in the society and also to ensure access to justice from grassroots to national level through partnership, networking and policy level advocacy. The organization followed three thematic approaches (prevention, protection & rehabilitation and reintegration) and specific strategies [1) advocacy for introduction and reform of law/policies (including research, dialogues, seminars/workshops, PIL, media, Networking, Partnership); 2) right-based prevention, protection & integration supports (including comprehensive women and child friendly packages like legal, shelter, development, psychosocial counseling & others); 3) enhancing member women lawyers’ professional capacity to act as “ Change Agents”] to resist countrywide violence against women and children & fulfill its vision “ to establish rule of law with gender equality”.
Prevention - Awareness raising/Sensitization events (both at grassroots and national level); - Capacity building of relevant stakeholders (i.e. lawyers, judiciary people, members of law enforcing agencies, community members, local government representatives, partner organizations & others); - Referral services (both grass roots & national level); - Networking (both national, regional and international)& formal partnership with government, non government bodies & community groups; - Policy level advocacy for bringing changes in practices and policies. - Research and publications on different VAW issues (i.e. wife abuse, rape, domestic violence & others); - Technical assistances to government in drafting/amending laws/policies & structuring GO services. - Media advocacy and - Community based preventive interventions (i.e. initiation of community based advisory centers for local level prevention and immediate supports). Protection -Country wide widespread legal service delivery (i.e. mediation/Shalishes, court case conduction etc) through 6 divisional offices, 42 out-reach clinics & 30 grass roots level partner organizations; - Rescue/release from different confinements; - Repatriation from different countries; - Fact finding or in depth investigation services; - Referral services (both grass roots & national level); - Victim and witness protection through community based and institutional service delivery. Rehabilitation and Reintegration - Comprehensive shelter package services (i.e. shelter, survival, development, legal, psychosocial, re-creative education, medical, capacity building and vocational trainings & others) following minimum standard care guideline & case management approaches; - Community based sustainable psychosocial reintegration supports & services (i.e. family identification, parents contact, assessment, sensitization, handover, alternative livelihood supports, community based care & protection, social protection and prevention etc). - To ensure women and child friendly rescue and recovery services for the survivors’ of different forms of violence.
Bangladesh Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (BFWE):
It is founded in 2006, is a non-profit professional organization in Bangladesh. BFWE offers a wide range of benefits and networking opportunities. BFWE encourages women to support each other, to enhance recognition of the achievements of women in business and the professions, and promotes the growth of women-owned enterprises through research and sharing information. BFWE is pledged to the highest ethical standards and professional practices; recognizes local and global environmental and social issues.
The vision of BFWE is to serve as a platform that would accelerate women's economic empowerment in Bangladesh.
The goal of BFWE is to provide an environment for women entrepreneurs in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh whereby they would grow and develop their fullest potential as business entrepreneurs.
The mission of BFWE is to serve as a platform that would do the following:
1. initiate informal and formal networking.
2. encourage, support, and promote women business owners and entrepreneurs.
3. represent all facets of women-owned businesses.
4. participate in national and international trade missions and conferences.
5. increase capacity through training
6. support in accessing capital
Women Entrepreneur Association of Bangladesh (WEAB): This is was established in year 2000, by a select group of businesswomen. Their aim was to create a platform to help business women establish themselves in a competitive field, dominated by men.
The main object of WEAB was to develop a support system for women entrepreneur to not only improve the quality of their products, to meet the changing market demands, but also to impart training on technical know how, design development and to create marketing links for their products.
In a very short time WEAB was not only firmly established in Dhaka, drawing large number of members, but rapidly branching out all over Bangladesh, including North Bengal.
Aims and Objectives
1. Establish a non-profit trade organization under the aegis of The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) registered with the Ministry of Commerce, to bring together women entrepreneur of Bangladesh under one umbrella.
2. Help women entrepreneur by identifying weakness and problems faced by them, and find solutions to overcome these.
3. Provide technical training in fields like skill development, quality and design development, book keeping and help find market outlets for women entrepreneur.
4. Organize workshops, seminars, symposiums and round tables where women entrepreneur can get together to exchange ideas and expand their business horizon.
5. Eliminate gender discrimination in the business field.
6. Facilitate loan provision for needy women entrepreneur though bank.
7. Help develop women run businesses with special focus on small and medium enterprises.
8. Find market linkage for women producers both in the country and abroad.
9. Enhance social position of women, inspire other women to enter the entrepreneurial field, and stem social abuse and exploitation of women.
10. Help women develop their personality, instill self-confidence and enhance their self-esteem, improve their status in their homes and in society.
11. Improve standard of living and alleviate poverty in the country.
Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMP) is a voluntary membership based national action oriented mass women’s organization working since 1970. For gender equality BMP focuses on activity concerning empowerment of women by enjoying their equal rights & dignity in the family, society and state.
BMP is pioneering the movement of resisting violence against women political empowerment and establishment of Constitutional Rights of women since inception. BMP is working in the light of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CEDAW), the Convention on the Rights of Children (CRC), Human Rights Declaration, Cairo Declaration and Beijing Platform for action (BPFA). Besides gender issue BMP also laid emphasis on promoting peace and democracy to establish equity based society having good Governance.
Key Information of Organization:
Established on 4th April 1970.
Legal Status:
Registered under the society act. In 1976.
Under NGO Affairs Bureau in 1992.
Member of Economic and Social Council of United Nations (ECOSOC) since 1997.
Member of CONGO since 2000.
Number of General Member’s: More than 0.135 million.
Area of operation: 59 District branches within country around 2300 local unit at grassroots level.
Membership Criteria: Women aged 16 years or above belonging to any status, occupation, religion, having commitment to Women’s emancipation and committed to avoid the constitution of organization are eligible for membership.
Establish Secular, Democratic, Equity based Human Society and state.
Women’s emancipation through empowerment.
BMP is guided by ten principles:
Written constitution of the organization
Transparency & Accountability
Non Partisan
Participatory Approach
Resist Violence Against Women
Promote Political participation of Women.
Mainstream of Women in Development and Policies.
Establish as a Lobby and Advocacy agent.
Ensure Sustainability of the organization.
To establish equity based society for man & women.