Suddenly you wake up one day and you are 40!There are little
tell-tale lines around the eyes, skin that was oily is suddenly dry, or
is dull; laugh lines don't disappear even after you have stopped
smiling; hands seem harder, not to mention crinklier. Grey hair has been
spotted. All hell breaks loose! Age has caught up with us and we
embark on a quest to find the magic potion that will stop the passage of
time and keep us young forever. Well ...I'm not offering you the fountain of youth or the magic potion but I can tell you how to care for yourself.
There are many grandmothers who visit La Belle and I'm amazed at how good they look, how graceful and well groomed they are. And do you know what they have in common.....they have ALWAYS taken care of themselves, they have not woken up at 50 and decided to make an annual trip to the salon. They have given their looks some priority and due diligence. So if you're touching 40 there's still time, apologise to yourself for the neglect and move ahead. With the passage of time, skin tends to become drier and the need for moisture is greater. Therefore the products that we use need a change. The introduction of serums is imperative to the daily skincare range- simple moisturisers will not be enough at this stage.
It's important to know the role of serums, so that their benefits are appreciated. Serums boost moisture levels very effectively as well as retain the moisture longer. They also speed up the natural repair process of the skin when used with the night cream. The appearance of lines and wrinkles will diminish as long as we can keep skin well moisturised.
The other best friend of skin is sunscreen.
Source: Sadia Moyeen, Beautician, La BelleThe Daily Star